Meet Our Staff!

Hello, my name is Zack. I started working with the company four years ago and I love it!I enjoy playing basketball and spending time with my family. I am the financial advisor for the company.

Hello, my name is Josh. I started working with the company about a year and a half ago. I enjoy reading books and I love Quentin Tarantino movies. I work as a the public relations manager.

Hello, my name is Sally. My friend Sara and I started this company six years ago and we did it with only five thousand dollars. I enjoy reading Forbes and walks on the beach. I work as the CEO of this company.

Hello, my name is Sara. My friend Sally and I started this company six years ago and we changed the course of our lives with this company. I like playing basketball, watching wrestling, and I also like to do community work. I am the current CFO of this company.
